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Oral presentations and Student Lecture Award at EWCPS 2023

The European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry (EWCPS, took place from 29th of January to 3rd of February 2023 in the event location Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The international conference was hosted by the National Institute of Chemistry Ljubljana. Johanna Irrgeher and Simone Trimmel (both Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry, MUL) gave oral presentations, accompanied by 14 colleagues of their chair, who contributed with various oral and poster presentations.

Johanna Irrgeher gave an overview about the broader context of the project TecEUS in her Keynote lecture “Expanding the isotopic toolbox in support of the sustainable development goals”. Simone Trimmel presented the validated measurement procedure for the analysis of 48 elements in plant samples and the results of the statistical evaluation of multielement data of the leaf samples from the facades of MA31 and MA48 in an oral presentation entitled “Multielemental patterns in samples from urban green facades focusing on technology-critical elements using ICP-MS/MS”. The talk unveiled the findings of dependence of elemental contents on plant species, sampling storey and -month as well as an indication of anthropogenic tantalum emissions to the urban spheres of Vienna and was honoured with the Student Lecture Award.