Simone Trimmel, Stefan Wagner, Laura Feiner, Maria Feiner, Daniela Haluza, Rebecca Hood-Nowotny, Ulrike Pitha, Thomas Prohaska, Markus Puschenreiter, Philipp Spörl, Andrea Watzinger, Elisabeth Ziss, Johanna Irrgeher: “Compost amendment in urban gardens: elemental and isotopic analysis of soils and vegetable tissues”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2024.
Simone Trimmel, Philipp Spörl, Daniela Haluza, Nagi Lashin, Thomas C. Meisel, Ulrike Pitha, Thomas Prohaska, Markus Puschenreiter, Elmar Rückert, Bernhard Spangl, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Johanna Irrgeher: “Green and blue infrastructure as model system for emissions of technology-critical elements”. Science of the Total Environment 934 (2024), 173364.
ASU - Zeitschrift für Medizinische Prävention
"Klimawandel und Gesundheit" von Daniela Haluza
Philipp Spörl, Simone Trimmel, Daniela Haluza, Susan Sauerbrey, Johanna Irrgeher, Thomas Prohaska, Ulrike Pitha: "Façade Greening for Healthy Urban Air: An Umbrella Review on Particulate Matter Reduction, Challenges, and Future Directions". Sustainability 2024, 16, 446.
Katharina Sophie Mair, Johanna Irrgeher, Daniela Haluza "Elucidating the Role of Honey Bees as Biomonitors in Environmental Health Research"
Johanna Irrgeher, Simone Trimmel: "Neue Spurenstoffe in Städten - neue Schadstoffe?" Nachrichten aus der Chemie, September 2023, S. 54-57.
Trimmel, Simone; Meisel, Thomas C.; Lancaster, Shaun T.; Prohaska, Thomas and Irrgeher, Johanna. 2023. "Determination of 48 elements in 7 plant CRMs by ICP-MS/MS with a focus on technology-critical elements" Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,
Leo Capari, Harald Wilfuf, Andreas Exner, Thomas Höflehner, Daniela Haluza, Cooling the City? A Scientometric Study on Urban Green and Blue Infrastructure and Climate Change-Induced Public Health Effects, Sustainability 2022, 14(9), 4929;
Spörl, Philipp, Aron Göndör, Johanna Irrgeher, Thomas Prohaska, Simone Trimmel, Leo Capari, Daniela Haluza, Bernhard Scharf, Anne Kasper-Giebl, and Ulrike Pitha. 2021. "Development of a Mobile Module-Based Wind Tunnel for the Determination of Collection Efficiencies of Particulate Matter on Surface Structures" Sustainability 13, no. 17: 9565.
Oral presentations
‚Spurenelemente in Produkten aus urbanen Gärten – Bewertung von Risiken und Sanierungsmaßnahmen‘ S. Trimmel, S. Wagner, L. Feiner, M. Feiner, D. Haluza, R. Hood-Nowotny, U. Pitha, T. Prohaska, M. Puschenreiter, P. Spörl, A. Watzinger, E. Ziss, J. Irrgeher. ÖGE Sektion Süd „Nutrition Science Talk Styria – Wissenschaft und Anwendung“ 2024, Graz, Austria
,Feinstaubbindung an Pflanzen als Indikator für Schadstoffemissionen im urbanen Raum.' P. Spörl, S. Trimmel, J. Irrgeher, U. Pitha. Biotope City Journal
'Technology-critical Elements in urban Spheres' S, Trimmel, P. Spörl, N. Lashin, B. Spangl, M. Puschenreiter, U. Pitha, T. Meisel, D. Wiedenhofer, D. Haluza, T. Prohaska, J. Irrgeher. Third Workshop on Inorganic Mass Spectrometry/First Workshop on TCEs, Rio Claro
'Round Table discussion: TCEs in the European Union' S, Trimmel. Third Workshop on Inorganic Mass Spectrometry/First Workshop on TCEs, Rio Claro
'Determination of 48 elements in environmental samples by ICP-MS/MS with a focus on technology-critical elements' S. Trimmel, P. Spörl, N. Lashin, B. Spangl, U. Pitha, T. Meisel, D. Wiedenhofer, D. Haluza, T. Prohaska, J. Irrgeher. Young Analytical Chemists Forum 2023, Leoben
Vertical greenery systems to reduce dust pollution in urban environments. Spörl, P; Trimmel, S; Haluza, D; Irrgeher, J; Prohaska, T; Pitha, U. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for teaching, 17.04.2023 - 20.04.2023, Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST), Paola, MALTA
'Multielemental patterns in samples from urban green facades focusing on technology-critical elements using ICP-MS/MS' S. Trimmel, P. Spörl, N. Lashin, U. Pitha, T. Meisel, S. Lancaster, A. Baumgart, D. Wiedenhofer, D. Haluza, T. Prohaska, J. Irrgeher. European Winter Conference on Plasmaspectrochemistry 2023, Ljubljana
2022/06'Determination of technology-critical elements in plants from urban green infrastructure by ICP-MS/MS' S. Trimmel, P. Spörl, N. Lashin, L. Feiner, M. Feiner, S. Lancaster, T. Meisel, U. Pitha, D. Wiedenhofer, D. Haluza, T. Prohaska, J. Irrgeher, Colloquium of Young Researchers on Sustainable Consumption and Production 2022, Freiberg
'Determination of Technology-Critical Elements (TCEs) in 7 Plant Certified Reference Materials by ICP-MS/MS', S. Trimmel, S. Lancaster, T. Prohaska, J. Irrgeher, Young Analytical Chemists Forum 2022, Tulln
Open door day at Versuchswirtschaft Groß-Enzersdorf: Presentation of the TecEUS project especially the wind tunnel and experiments with different facade greening system and plants, Philipp Spörl, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
'Development of ICP-CRC-MS based methods for TCE-analysis in plants' S. Trimmel, N. Lashin, L. Feiner, M. Feiner, P. Spörl, U. Pitha, T. Prohaska, J. Irrgeher, Young Analytical Chemists Forum 2021, online
2021/03Green infrastructures and nature-based solutions: basics and perspectives – Presentation of the TecEUS project, Simone Trimmel and Philipp Spörl, Study course at the Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
‘Environmental trace analysis: Biosketch and introduction to the analytical part of the TecEUS project', Simone Trimmel, Science Meeting at the Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry, Montanuniversität Leoben
‘Innovation in Grün: Wie Stadtbegrünung Klimaresilienz fördert.', ScienceCard Webinar
‘Umweltmedizinische Aspekte von Bauen und Wohnen'. Daniela Haluza, TU Wien online lecture
‘Bauwerksbegrünung und Gesundheit – die Wirkung von Grün auf den Menschen [engl. Building greening and health - the effect of urban green on humans]’. Haluza, D.;Invited lecture at the annual meeting of the ‘Austauschplattform Bauwerksbegrünung‘, Vienna, Austria For details see:
2019/02‘Technology-critical elements (TCE): Source characterization and assessment of environmental exposure’, J. Irrgeher, B. Bookhagen, J. Gonzales, C. Opper, C. Koeberl, T. Prohaska, European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2019 Pau, France
Poster presentations
‘TecEUS - Technology-Critical Elements in Urban Spheres’ P. Spörl, S. Trimmel, J. Irrgeher, T. Prohaska, D.Haluza, B. Scharf, D. Wiedenhofer, U. Pitha
“Innovative Lösungen zum Regenwassermanagement in der Bestandsstadt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Stadtbäumen“ Projektvorstellung TecEUS, University of Natural Resources and Life Science, 23.02.2024, Vienna, AUSTRIA. -
'Green facades as model systems for anthropogenic emissions of technology-critical elements' S. Trimmel, P. Spörl, N. Lashin, B. Spangl, M. Puschenreiter, U. Pitha, T. Meisel, D. Wiedenhofer, D. Haluza, T. Prohaska, J. Irrgeher. Young Analytical Chemists Forum 2023, Leoben
'Assessment of levels of trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air in the city of Kampala' D. Mirembe, S. Trimmel, J. Irrgeher, G. Kasozi, T. Prohaska. Young Analytical Chemists Forum 2023, Leoben
Investigation of multi-element patterns of plant samples from Viennese green facades using ICP-MS/MS; Nagi Lashin, Philipp Spörl, Simone Trimmel, Ulrike Pitha, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Daniela Haluza, Thomas Prohaska, Johanna Irrgeher; ICP-MS Anwender*innentreffen 2022, Montanuniversität Leoben.
Determination of technology-critical elements (TCEs) in plants from urban green infrastructures by ICP-MS/MS; Simone Trimmel, Philipp Spörl, Nagi Lashin, Laura Feiner, Maria Feiner, Shaun T. Lancaster, Thomas C. Meisel, Ulrike Pitha, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Daniela Haluza, Thomas Prohaska, Johanna Irrgeher; ICP-MS Anwender*innentreffen 2022, Montanuniversität Leoben.
2022/05Presentation of the PhD project within the project TecEUS, Philipp Spörl, Open door day at Versuchswirtschaft Groß-Enzersdorf, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Principles and challenges of research in socio-economics, natural resources and life sciences –Presentation of the PhD project within the project TecEUS, Philipp Spörl, Study course at the Department of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
‘Technology-critical elements (TCEs): Source characterization and assessment of environmental exposure’, Irrgeher, J, Bandoniene, D, Bookhagen, B, Gonzalez, J, Opper, C, Koeberl, C, Pitha, U, Scharf, B, Prohaska, T, CANAS 2019, TU Freiberg, Germany
‘Technology-critical elements (TCEs): Source characterization and assessment of environmental exposure’, Irrgeher, J, Bandoniene, D, Bookhagen, B, Gonzalez, J, Opper, C, Koeberl, C, Pitha, U, Scharf, B, Prohaska, T, Tagung Festkörperanalytik, TU Wien, Austria
Science events
2022/09Wiener Forschungsfest "Wie Pflanzen unsere Stadt sauber halten", Exhibition station at the Vienna Research Festival 2022, P.Spörl, N. Lashin, A. Briefer, C. Henöckl, L. Mezger
KINDERUNI-BOKU: Pflanzenwerkstatt –Kinderuni 2022: Kreislaufwirtschaft der Pflanze in der Stadt – Fokus: Städtische Hitzeinseln - Urban Heat Islands und Regenwassermanagement. P.Spörl, A. Briefer
KINDERUNI-BOKU: Pflanzenwerkstatt –Kinderuni 2021: Kreislaufwirtschaft der Pflanze in der Stadt – Die Jahreszeiten; Fokus: Luft und Feinstaub. P.Spörl, P.Minixhofer
KINDERUNI-BOKU: Pflanzenwerkstatt – Kinderuni 2020; Kreislauf der Pflanze (in der Stadt) und warum sie so wichtig ist, P.Spörl, P.Minixhofer.